Wednesday, February 4

Nothin' Special

A lot has happened since the last time I've posted. I can't really remember all of it but there have been stressful times, tired times, hallucinating times and definitely high times these past first two weeks of classes. I also started volunteering at the Co-op on Tuesdays from 6-9PM so COME VISIT! I think I might be taking up another shift as well on Fridays or 9-midnight on Wednesdays so who knows.
Today is Wednesday February 4th 2009 and it is 11:37 AM. Why am I in the library so early you may ask? Because I had an 8:30 this morning and have been running errands since class got out.
So far I dropped target archery because when I tried to drop it online I messed it up, naturally. So I got that covered and now I have to head over to the Performing Arts Center to pick up an application for ushering. Then I have a meeting at 1PM at the Co-op. Then it is homework and resting time before 6:30PM when I have to attend a new media lecture in the Neuberger. After that I have to pick up the books that I have to read for Mark and finish my homework! So much to do in such little time!!


I have been good though. I have been really really really really happy with Jonathan, he is so kickass its ridiculous!

On that note I'm gonna get going on the things I have to do today so I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot!

    I used to do the Co-Op shifts... They're fucking sick. Especially THAT shift... which was when the radio show would be recording WPSR's coffeehouse

    Does that still apply?
